Monday, September 14, 2015

Day 8: Music Class

September 14, 2015

Throughout my time in the classroom I wanted to spend some time observing the students' specials (art, music, gym, etc.). Today I got to observe their music special. I found it interesting because the music teacher conducted her classroom very different than my co-op. One thing I really didn't like was how she used her behavior chart. She has a keyboard print out for each grade and uses a clothes pin to move up and down the keys. In the 45 minutes the class was there she moved the clothes up and down 7-8 times. All but 2 of the times she didn't even tell the class when/why their clip was being moved. This defeated the purpose of the behavior chart if the students weren't told when their behavior was appropriate or when it needed fixed. Besides that, I liked the activities the teacher chose. They were age appropriate and the students were engaged. I know when I was in elementary school I always had a difficult time keeping myself on task during music. When my class was packing up to go home for the day they were singing one of their songs from the class.

During the semester I will be spending an hour each Monday working one-on-one with a seventh grade learning support student named Tyler*. I don't have the dual major in Special Education but I still wanted to get time with special education students. I will be working on reading material with him assigned by the reading specialist. Today all we did was vocabulary flash cards and I spent the rest of the time working on building a rapport. He seemed very shy and a boy of few words. By the end of the session I could tell he was already opening up a bit more. Hopefully within a few weeks that will grow even more.

*Name changed

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