Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Day 32: Math Night

November 10, 2015

Instead of posting about events during today's school day I am actually going to gear my lesson more towards an after school activity. Tonight was Math Night! Students from an upper level education class at Bloomsburg University pair up with another student to create an interactive math station for the St. Joseph's students to rotate through. When students arrived they were directed to their homerooms to wait before the event began. Students then moved with their peers from the class from station to station.

There was a decent turnout (approximately 50 students plus parents and siblings) The students that were there to got a lot of attention from the university students and a chance to experience all of the stations. Some of the activities included:

-Dice math (role two foam dice and add/subtract/multiply the numbers)
-Math fishing (pick an index card with a math problem and catch the fish with your answer on it)
-Math Jeopardy
-Place value stomp (lay out large number cards to create a number and then stomp on the correct place value when instructed)
-Math Basketball (Answer a math problem correct, get a shot with the basketball)
-Math twister
-Math bingo

Many of the games had incentives at the end (candy, pencils, etc.) for the students to take. A lot of the parents stayed and walked around with the kids. All of the teachers were there as well. I spent the evening taking pictures of the event for the school's yearbook as well as for the university students involved.

I participated in Math Night when I took that course last semester. I had a lot of fun creating my activity and executing it for the students who came. I created a jumbo connect four board. Students answered math problems to receive connect four chips. They competed against their peers to see who could get four in a row quickest. This was a huge success and I even saved the board to use in the future.

In the spring the school has a similar science night and I am looking forward to see if that will be as successful as tonight was!

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