Thursday, February 18, 2016


February, 17 2016

Today I began my Poetry unit. It was delayed because of the early dismissal on Monday and snow day on Tuesday. This is a completely new concept for first grade. I have a fair amount of freedom with the unit and I'm excited to see everything we will accomplish as a class. Today was our introduction lesson. I began by not saying what our unit was called. Earlier in the day I had put a random item into a paper bag. I called a student up to the board and asked them to reach in the bag without looking and describe what they feel. I wrote the words on the white board as the student said them. When she was done we took the item out and wrote it above the words as a title:


bumpy top

I posed the question "What did I just write?" The students stared at it confused for a little and I gave them time to think. Someone finally said "Well, its not a sentence." This sparked a new conversation of what is it not. "It's not a story", "It's not a paragraph", etc. The students sat stumped a little longer.  Finally one of the students raised their hand and said "I think it might be a poem". Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!!

We then proceeded to discuss poetry and different types. I read a few poems and then each student picked one of the poetry books I had, spent 10 minutes reading through them and marked their favorite poem. Each student then read their poem aloud to the class. Friday is our next lesson in the unit and we will be beginning with Acrostics. 

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