Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Feeling Old

During my sophomore year I remember attending a club meeting where there was a panel of 4 student teachers that came in and shared their experiences for everyone in attendance. I can remember so vividly leaving the meeting and talking to my friends about how excited that made me to begin student teaching.

Well, I am obviously finally in this position and today I had the opportunity to be one of the student teachers on the panel. We spoke to two groups of students. The first group was mostly juniors and seniors. Student teaching was right around the corner for most of them so most of what we were talking about (lesson planning, lessons we are currently teaching, certifications, applying for jobs, etc.) was all very relevant to their current situation. It was great to see what they had questions about and to be able to help them. It was also obvious how engaged everyone was in our presentation.

The second group of students was mostly freshman and sophomores and was a lot more diverse when it came to their certifications (early childhood, mid-level and secondary). We began this discussion very similar to the first one however, we quickly realized that student teaching was a little too far out of sight for these students. We geared the rest of the discussion towards courses they were taking, and questions they had about the program, and just spoke a little about student teaching to avoid overwhelming them.

This was such a great experience and I hope I had the impact on the students that the panelists had on me two years ago.

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